Student Medications
Administration of Medication in School
In compliance with federal, state and nursing laws, medications for students will be handled in accordance with these requirements:
School Medication Procedures
- All medications must be delivered to the health office by a parent or designated adult during school hours.
- The Building Nurse and parent will count all medication brought in to the health office at the time of delivery.
- All medication must be in the pharmacy labeled bottle or the original over the counter packaging.
- All medications needed during the school day will require both a signed medical order and signed parent authorization for administration.
- Students may not carry medications on themselves or in their backpack without a medical order permitting self-carry.
- Written physician’s medical orders are required for all changes in medications or changes in the dose to be given at school.
- All bottles with pharmacy labels must have the correct medicine and correct dose per pharmacist on the original label, this must coincide with current medical order.
- A physician’s order will be necessary in order for the nurse to give an additional dose of medication if forgotten at home.
- Medical orders for administering medication at school and parent signature authorizing administration must be renewed annually, preferably at the beginning of the school year.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the health office and speak to the Building Nurse or District Licensed School Nurse.