Student Health
Health Services promotes the health and safety of the school age child to minimize or eliminate health related barriers to learning. Our Health Services staff provide care for students and staff, help keep and administer student medications, provide families with important immunization information and develop individualized health or emergency care plans.
Health Information for Students
As we enter the winter season often accompanied with illness, please follow these Minnesota Department of Health guidelines for managing illnesses such as influenza, respiratory viruses, and COVID:
Practice good hand hygiene, and cover coughs and sneezes to limit the spread of illness.
Please keep your student(s) home if they are sick. Students can return to school when:
Their illness has subsided or their symptoms have improved.
They have been fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication.
After resuming normal activities, the CDC encouraged taking additional prevention strategies for the next 5 days to curb disease spread, such as taking more steps for cleaner air, enhancing hygiene practices, wearing a well-fitting mask, keeping a distance from others, and/or getting tested for respiratory viruses.
Health Services Staff
Building Nurses
Building Nurses are an integral part of the Health Services team. They are medically trained personnel who provide first aid support for students and staff, perform delegated nursing procedures, assist with screenings, organize and maintain the health room and keep the school nurse informed of the building's needs and areas of concern.
District Licensed School Nurses
District Licensed School Nurses provide direct professional support and service to students, families and staff. They assess the health needs of students and staff, make appropriate referrals and do follow up. They provide health screening such as vision and hearing tests. They write Individual Health Plans (IHPs) and attend Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings. They function as a member of the building staff and are a liaison between other healthcare professionals, educators, students and their families.
Student Health Records
The pupil health record is an accurate, efficient system for the collection of health data. Information pertinent to the student to ensure a student’s safety in school is requested upon entrance into Lakeville Area Schools. Parents are then encouraged to notify the Health Office when the student has experienced a medical condition that would affect the student’s safety in school or ability to learn. Information is considered confidential and shared only with school personnel on a need-to-know basis.
The health record also includes medical information that is observed at school. Emergency cards are provided yearly to parents so student information is current and accurate. They are sent home the first week of school. Emergency cards should be filled out to update requested information and newly diagnosed medical conditions and then be returned to the Health Office.