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Program of Studies Banner for the 2025-26 school year

The curriculum guide for Lakeville high schools is entitled, “Program of Studies.” Included in this joint document for Lakeville North, Lakeville South and Lakeville Online Academy is an overview of each curricular area and descriptions of all courses offered in each area. Parents and students are encouraged to review this document and all accompanying information to assist in planning an educational program and accounting for student’s completion of credits for graduation. While parents and students are primarily responsible for ensuring students meet all requirements for graduation, assistant principals, school counselors and the Lakeville Online Academy administrator are available to assist, support and provide guidance in the process.

Principals’ Letter

January 2025

Dear Students and Parents/Guardians,

As you begin to think of what classes to register for next school year, we hope that you use your MCIS experiences and interest survey results to drive your decision-making. As you look through the Program of Studies, carefully examine all of the wonderful opportunities. A new addition to the Program of Studies is a unique course code to define the classes at the high schools. The new course codes is divided into 6 parts- the department, the subject, the level, the credit, the semester and the instructional delivery method so that students can make accurate course selection. Remember, course registration numbers drive what will be offered at each high school. Our staffing is determined by registration numbers so please choose your courses wisely. Here are some key things to consider:

  • Challenge yourself. By taking courses that will test you, you will be able to overcome challenges you will face after high school such as the tougher workload of college courses or standing out in a competitive job market.
  • Consider taking elective courses. They provide student opportunities to develop skills in critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and communication to ensure post-secondary and future readiness.
  • We offer several career programs with a focus on specific career fields. Consider learning the LOA Certified Nursing Assistant course, or become an expert in problem-solving through the LSHS STEM Academy or LNHS Engineering Innovation.
  • A four-year degree is not the path for everyone. There are many innovative careers with good salaries that can be obtained with two or fewer years of training. Explore some of the courses that can lead to these careers.
  • Most of all, think of high school as a stepping stone to the next stage of your life. Everyone, no matter how young or old, is always moving forward to a new step in life. You are about to take one of the most exciting steps by advancing past high school to master your interests and turn your craft into a successful career for life.

Students and parents/guardians should work together to select courses that pave the way for a successful future. Please contact your School Counselor with any questions.


  • Kim Budde, Principal for Lakeville North H.S.
  • Shaun Murphy, Principal for Lakeville South H.S.
  • Margaret Gare, Principal for Lakeville Online Academy

General Overview Areas: 

Subjects Below: