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Strategic Plan

The Lakeville Area Schools strategic plan was created with input from students, staff, families and community members focused on future system-wide improvements to improve outcomes for students. 

The District used a process called “classroom to boardroom,” which resulted in a comprehensive system-wide strategic plan developed from the grassroots (classroom) level and up (School Board). The strategic plan includes development of clear descriptions of the Desired Daily Experience for students, families and staff.

Strategic Roadmap

Strategic Roadmap for Lakeville Area Schools

Desired Daily Experiences of Students, Families and Staff

Describes the desired daily experiences developed with input and feedback from students, families and staff. This process included asking students, families and staff to produce narrative descriptions of what their student, family and staff experiences would be if the strategic plan was being implemented successfully in their school district. The Desired Daily Experiences sets the foundation for the District Strategic Roadmap.

District and Classroom Theory of Action

District and Classroom Theory of Action describes the specific behaviors, beliefs, actions to be core practice in all departments and classrooms that employees in the district will take and do to create the conditions and outcomes described in the Desired Daily Experiences and ultimately meet the mission of the district.

Core Goals

Core Goal #1: Improve our teaching and learning practices and processes to increase student achievement. 

Core Goal #2: Improve our systems of support to better meet the academic, behavioral and social-emotional needs of our students. 

Core Goal #3: Engage our families through relationships, awareness and communication.    

Core Goal #4: Improve our staff professional practices and skills.    

Core Goal #5: Increase the efficiencies and effectiveness of our district operations.