Kindergarten FAQ
What is the age requirement to enter kindergarten?
Children who are five years old on or before September 1 are eligible to begin kindergarten. You will need to provide proof of legal name and birth date during the online enrollment process.
We have three different kindergarten information events for parents/guardians in the months leading up to their child entering Kindergarten. They are held in the fall, winter, and spring.
Kindergarten Welcome Event (Fall): This is the first opportunity for parents/guardians to learn about the Lakeville kindergarten experience. Elementary school principals will share a general overview of kindergarten, including readiness and expectations. We have daytime and evening sessions for the Kindergarten Welcome Events. The daytime sessions are held at Crystal Lake Education Center and the evening sessions are held at the District Office in the Oak Room.
Kindergarten Information Night (Winter): This event is held at the school your child will attend. Parents/guardians will have an opportunity to meet the principal and kindergarten teachers at their building. Representatives from Kid Zone, district nurses, and Schmitty & Sons Bus Company representatives will be available to answer questions. Each school will reach out directly to families about this event, but families are encouraged to contact their building with any questions.
Spring into Kindergarten (Spring): This event is all about your child. It is meant to be a child-centered event with activities at their school building. Activities, themes and event titles will vary from building to building. Just like the winter event, schools will reach out to families directly with details about Spring into Kindergarten.
Please visit our Kindergarten Information Events page for dates and times.
What immunizations are required?
Minnesota Statute 121.15 requires that all children must be immunized against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis B series and varicella (or a record of chicken pox.). Additional information, including specified exemptions and the immunization form, is located on the Immunization Information page.
Do I need to have my child screened prior to kindergarten?
State law requires completion of a developmental screening (i.e., Early Childhood Screening) prior to entry into kindergarten. The screening can be done as soon as your child is age 3. For more information, please visit the Early Childhood Screening page.
What if my child is not attending Lakeville Area Schools kindergarten in the fall?
It is very helpful to the district’s future planning if we know of your decision to not enroll your child. Please let your school or the Student Information Services Department (952-232-2025) know if you are not planning to enroll your child in the fall. If you wish to enroll in Lakeville Area Schools at a later time, you may find information on the Enrollment page.
When will I find out who my child’s teacher will be?
Because of staffing and enrollment changes made throughout the summer, class lists are not finalized until early to mid-August. Specific teacher assignments are shared with families at that time.
How can I get involved at my school?
Lakeville Area Schools has several opportunities for families to volunteer and be involved. You will begin to receive some of this information at kindergarten registration, throughout the spring, and again in the fall.
How can I learn more about my child’s school?
Specific questions about your child’s school can be answered during Kindergarten Information Night or by contacting the school directly.
What is the start and dismissal time of my child's school?
For information about start and dismissal times, please visit the Elementary Overview page.