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Educational Aid Reimbursement Rates

The Minnesota Department of Education has established the following tentative reimbursement rates for the upcoming school year: Revised July 19, 2022 (subject to change)

  • Educational aid reimbursement = $81.31 for all students Grades K-12.

Rates may be adjusted on or about October 15 when the actual appropriation and program participation figures are known. If you choose to participate and in order to be eligible for reimbursement, you are required to complete and return the Student Report for Aids to Nonpublic Students Form by October 1.

You must also complete and submit an IRS W9 (one time only, however a name or address change would require a new W9). Eligible dated receipts must be submitted to the District Office with the Home School Reimbursement Form by June 10, 2023. 

It is important that you review the list of eligible and ineligible items for reimbursement. Please note that all items must be secular. Receipts for reimbursement must be dated between July 1, 2022 and June 10, 2023. 



Kris Schlander

Primary district contact; General questions

Jack Baker
Business Services Controller

Pupil Aid Entitlement and Material Requisitions

Brigitte Glenn

Minnesota State Testing

Mike Zweber
Lakeville North Activities Director

Co-curricular Activities, Lakeville North High School

Chad Sexauer
Lakeville South Activities Director

Co-curricular Activities, Lakeville South High School

Aaron Soule
Middle School Activities Director

Co-curricular Activities, Middle School