Advisory Councils
Lakeville Area Schools offers parents and community members opportunities to serve on advisory councils. We welcome the input and involvement of our community in our decision-making processes around our district, schools and programs. Learn about our various advisory councils in the tabs below.
- American Indian Parent Advisory Council
- Community Education Advisory Council
- Early Childhood Family Education Advisory Council
- Finance Advisory Council
- Gifted Advisory Council
- Multi-District Collaborative Council
- Special Education Advisory Council
- Teaching and Learning Advisory Council
- Wellness Policy Advisory Council
American Indian Parent Advisory Council
The American Indian Parent Advisory Committee (AIPAC) serves in an advisory role to the district, and helps to ensure that American Indian students are receiving culturally relevant and equitable educational opportunities.
Membership Requirements and Selection Criteria
Members must be one of the following:
- Parent/Guardian of a Lakeville Area Schools American Indian Student(s)
- Family Member of a Lakeville Area Schools American Indian Student(s)
- Lakeville Area Schools American Indian Student
- American Indian Community Member
- American Indian Staff Member of Lakeville Area Schools
Membership Term
Members are invited to participate for an initial 1-year term (renewable annually).
Typical Meeting Schedule
5 meetings/year.
Monday evenings 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Rhonda Kaczor
Administrative Assistance
Community Education Advisory Council
The purpose of the Community Education Advisory Council (CEAC) is to serve in an advisory capacity to the Director of Community Education in the fulfillment of the Department's goal, which is to provide learning opportunities and resources for the community to develop life-long skills.
Membership Requirements and Selection Criteria
Members must be legal residents, employees or officers of collaborating organizations, or employees of the Lakeville Area Schools.
Membership will be considered according to the following criteria:
- Expressed interest in school and community affairs.
- Expressed interest in the Community Education philosophy and its development.
- Leadership potential.
- Enthusiasm and interest in working towards the CEAC Mission and goals.
- Ability to participate on a regular basis.
- Ability to maintain diversity within the membership.
- Current or potential conflicts of interest.
Membership Term
- 3 years for members.
- 2 years for community liaisons.
- 1 year for students.
Typical Meeting Schedule
- 4-5 meetings/year.
- Thursday evenings, 6:15-7:45 p.m. In-person and remote participation via Google Meet options available.
Steve Porter
Director of Community Education
Early Childhood Family Education Advisory Council
The Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) Advisory Council advises the administration of the Community Education Department on the District's early childhood programs. The advisory council offers feedback and input on program areas including current offerings, development and outreach, evaluation, and resource assessment.
Membership Requirements and Selection Criteria
Membership shall consist of an appropriate number of members determined by the council's officers. This council shall reflect the diversity of the District and shall include:
- Program staff represented by the ECFE Manager
- Parents of children (birth to third grade) enrolled in ECFE shall comprise the majority of the advisory council members
- Community residents with an interest in fulfilling the mission of the ECFE program.
Membership Term
Members are invited to participate for an initial 1-year term (renewable annually).
Typical Meeting Schedule
The advisory council meets monthly, June through May (no meetings will be held in July or December), for a total of ten meetings. Childcare will be provided.
Meetings are open to the public and links for virtual participation are provided upon request. Members are expected to attend all meetings with allowances for reasonable absences.
Molly Dexter
Interim Administrator of Early Childhood Education | 952-232-3011
Finance Advisory Council
The Finance Advisory Council’s purpose is to function as an advisory committee to the Lakeville Area Schools Administration to ensure community participation and understanding of the school district’s financial and budget planning processes, and to provide input to the Administration on budget planning that supports the school district’s goals. Fiscal topics include short- and long-term financial planning; financial policies and practices; financial decisions’ impact analysis; local, state and national trends in finance and economics; and analysis of legislative issues affecting education.
Level of Authority
Advisory to the Superintendent
Composed of 4 interested citizens or taxpayers of the district who, upon application, are appointed by the Board of Education for 3-year terms.
Also included are representatives (1 each) of:
- Licensed staff member,
- Non-licensed staff member,
- Building administrator, and
- Board of Education member.
*These are volunteer-based staff membership positions and are not stipend.
The Superintendent, Executive Director of Business Services and Controller shall serve as ex-officio members.
The Superintendent and Director of Business Services shall review applications. Initial terms will be for 2 or 3 years so that replacements are staggered. Any vacancies shall be filled by the same process.
Members are expected to attend all meetings. Members not able to meet this commitment may be asked to resign.
Meetings will be held at least quarterly.
Typical Meeting Schedule
The Finance Advisory Council meets at least four times per year at the school district office in Lakeville from 5-6 p.m.
Bill Holmgren
Executive Director of Business Services
Gifted Advisory Council
The Gifted Advisory Council (GAC) was formed to promote and enhance the goals and objectives of K-12 Gifted/Advanced Services programming. The council participates in but is not limited to:
- Examine and review current gifted education best practice research in order to be an informed and united voice in advocacy for the unique needs of gifted learners.
- Provide ongoing feedback about current gifted programming in Lakeville Area Schools.
Membership Requirements and Selection Criteria
The Gifted Advisory Council shall reflect the diversity of our district and the school sites. Members include:
- parents
- licensed staff
- students
- building administrators
- Board of Education
Whenever possible, parents and other community residents shall comprise at least two-thirds of the advisory council members.
District leadership shall review applications for public participation on the Council. Those selected will be notified and will start their term in September of each year.
Membership Term
Members are invited to participate for up to a 3-year term.
Typical Meeting Schedule
The Gifted Advisory Council meets a minimum of 3 times a year for 75 minutes. Tuesday evenings 4:15-5:30 p.m.
Members are expected to attend all meetings.
Multi-District Collaborative Council
The Multi-District Collaborative Council (MDCC) was formed to develop and sustain the joint district Achievement and Integration Plan for Lakeville Area Schools and ISD 191 (Burnsville, Eagan, Savage). The MDCC is comprised of staff from both districts as well as community members and parents/guardians. Members help to promote collaboration and understanding and build support for the district’s overall goals as well as individual programs, policies, and initiatives.
Membership Requirements and Selection Criteria
The Multi-District Collaborative Council (MDCC) shall reflect the diversity of our district. Members include:
- Lakeville Area Schools staff
- Students
- Parents
- Other community residents
- Board of Education member
Membership Term
Members are invited to participate for an initial 1-year term (renewable annually).
Typical Meeting Schedule
The MDCC meets 3 times a year for 90 minutes. Mondays from 4:00-5:30 p.m.
Rhonda Kaczor
Administrative Assistance
Special Education Advisory Council
The Special Education Community Advisory Council (SEAC) advises the Executive Director of Student Services regarding current issues, program development, parental concerns, and departmental priorities. Its purpose is to provide input to the District's special education department, to serve as a communication link with the Lakeville area community at large, and to advocate for high-quality educational programs for all students. The council believes that one of the most important aspects of special education services is the role played by parents in the education of their children with special needs.
Membership Requirements and Selection Criteria
At least half of the designated council members must be parents of students with a disability.
When a non-public school is located in the district, the council must include at least one member who is a parent of a non-public school student with a disability or an employee of a non-public school if no parent of a non-public school student with a disability is available to serve.
Membership Term
Members shall serve an initial two-year term. The term begins with the first meeting in September. Those appointed to the council during the course of the school year will start their two-year term the following September. Membership thereafter may continue on a yearly basis.
Typical Meeting Schedule
Meetings are held monthly from September-November and January-May on the second Thursday of the month. Meetings are from 5:30-7 p.m. in the Spruce Room at the District Office. Meetings shall be limited to two hours in length and will be open to the public.
Teaching and Learning Advisory Council
The purpose of the Teaching and Learning Advisory Council (T&LAC) is to provide input and feedback to the Administration regarding the District's teaching and learning programming. This council participates in, but is not limited to:
- Providing feedback on district-wide goals related to the Comprehensive Achievement and Civic Readiness Plan, the Strategic Plan and the Achievement and Integration Plan
- Providing feedback during some phases of the standards-based review cycle
- Provide feedback regarding annual updates made to the High School Program of Studies
- Pursues community support to accelerate the closure of the achievement gap of our diverse learners
Membership Requirements and Selection Criteria
The Teaching & Learning Advisory Council shall reflect the diversity of our District and its schools. Members include:
- Teaching staff
- Support staff
- Students
- Parents
- Other community residents
- Board of Education member
The Assistant Superintendent and Directors of Teaching & Learning shall serve as ex-officio members. Whenever possible, parents and other community residents shall comprise at least two-thirds of the advisory council members.
The Assistant Superintendent and Directors of Teaching & Learning shall review applications for public participation on the Council. Those selected will be notified by the Department of Teaching & Learning and will start their term in September of each year.
Membership Term
Membership is composed of interested staff and stakeholders who, upon accepted application, are invited to participate for up to a 3-year term. Any vacancies during a term shall be filled by the selection process outlined in the selection criteria.
Typical Meeting Schedule
The Teaching & Learning Advisory Council meets a minimum of 5 times a year for 60 minutes. Meetings are held on Monday evenings 4-5 p.m. and are held in-person.
TLAC dates are the following:
- Mon, 10/6/25
- Mon, 11/10/25
- Mon, 12/8/25
- Mon, 01/12/26
- Mon, 05/04/26
Time: 4:00-5:30PM
Oak Room
Wellness Policy Advisory Council
- Providing feedback on the District’s wellness policy
- Assist in developing guidance documents for District staff to support the wellness policy
- Assist in the Wellness Policy Triennial Assessment
Membership Requirements and Selection Criteria:
- Student Nutrition Director & Coordinator
- Executive Director of Business Services
- Health Services
- Principals
- Teaching & Learning
- Benefits Specialist
- Parents/Community Members
- School Board Member
- High School Students
- Teachers
Membership Term
Typical Meeting Schedule
Contact Person(s)
Kristen Rezac
Director of Student Nutrition
952-232-2063 |
Karin Kuhn |