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Teaching and Learning Advisory Council


The purpose of the Teaching and Learning Advisory Council (T&LAC) is to provide feedback to the Lakeville Area Schools Board of Education, administration and various other members of our school district.

This council participates in, but is not limited to:

  • Providing feedback on district-wide goals related to World’s Best Workforce, the Strategic Plan and the Achievement and Integration Plan
  • Providing feedback during some phases of the standards-based review cycle
  • Provide feedback to yearly updates to the High School Program of Studies
  • Pursues community support to accelerate the closure of the achievement gap of our diverse learners


The Teaching & Learning Advisory Council shall reflect the diversity of our district and the school sites. Members include:

  • Licensed teaching staff, 
  • Non-licensed support staff, 
  • Students
  • Parents
  • Other community residents
  • Board of Education member

The Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent and Directors of Teaching & Learning shall serve as ex-officio members. Whenever possible, parents and other community residents shall comprise at least two-thirds of the advisory council members. 

The Assistant Superintendent and Directors of Teaching & Learning shall review applications for public participation on the Council.  Those selected will be notified by the Department of Teaching & Learning and will start their term in September of each year.

Membership is composed of interested staff and stakeholders who, upon accepted application, are invited to participate for up to a 3-year term. Any vacancies during a term shall be filled by the selection process outlined in the selection criteria.


The Teaching & Learning Advisory Council meets a minimum of 5 times a year for 90 minutes. Meetings are held Monday evenings 4:00-5:30 p.m. and are held in-person.

Administrative Contact

Dr. Angela Boyer
Elementary Teaching & Learning Coordinator

Apply to be a Member

A common application process for advisory councils opens in the spring, typically in April, for the district to consider the acceptance of new members. Notification of this process will be shared with the community shortly before the application opens. In the application, interested parties can select their top choices for which advisory councils they would like to apply to.

Visit our Advisory Councils page for the application link (when open) and to learn about all our advisory councils.