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Middle School Subject Acceleration

Middle School Subject Acceleration

Lakeville Area Schools recognizes the need for academically gifted students to receive accelerated instruction. Acceleration is generally defined as moving students through the traditional curriculum at rates faster than the typical student experiences. The goal of acceleration is to match the level and complexity of the curriculum with the readiness and motivation of the learner. The Lakeville Acceleration Chart provides an overview of acceleration options available. Many forms of acceleration are incorporated into the general education program or one of the components of the gifted education program.

Subject acceleration at the middle level is available in math as academic needs arise. When students have academic needs in multiple areas, it might be best to consider whole-grade acceleration. To view the math subject acceleration options, click here. The application deadline is May 1 for the following year, and two strategies for meeting the student’s needs must be documented and tried in the current classroom before consideration.

Once the application is submitted, the Acceleration Committee, including a teacher, the student’s dean and the Secondary Teaching and Learning Coordinator will review the request.

The Acceleration Committee will notify the student, parent(s) and school personnel of its decision. If subject acceleration is recommended, a plan for the student will be developed and signed by the parent(s) and Acceleration Committee. The plan should be re-evaluated yearly. Subject acceleration requires a partnership between the school district and families. Parents should be aware that future years might require independent study, out-of-school programming or dual enrollment options. Transportation needs and scheduling issues must be considered. Transportation and additional costs are the responsibility of the family.

  • For more information, contact your site dean.

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