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Flex Days

Buses covered in snow

School Closures and FLEX Days

The superintendent may close or delay school, activities and/or programs when the weather is bad or driving conditions are unsafe, or in the event of an emergency. 

  • The first day of the school year when school buildings are closed due to bad weather or driving conditions will always be treated as a traditional "snow day," where there is no school and no learning expectations for students. 
  • Any days that school buildings are closed after the first snow day will be Flexible Learning Days (Flex Days), with K-12 students learning from home and completing assignments given by their teachers.
    • If there is a possibility of a Flex Day, iPads will be sent home with all students. Elementary families will receive a notification from the district if iPads will be sent home, since they may not typically be sent home every day.
  • If school is closed due to an emergency, a Flex Day will also be implemented. 

The superintendent can call up to five Flex Days in a school year, per the Minnesota Department of Education. Flex Days allow for continued learning even when school is closed due to the weather, and they make it less likely that the district will have to schedule make-up days later in the school year. 

On Flex Days, Lakeville Online Academy students are expected to continue their online coursework as usual. 

What should students do on Flex Days?

Technology Support

If a student needs technical support during a Flex Day, please submit a ticket to our technology department.