Gradual Release of Devices
This gradual release model allows school staff to teach students responsible use of the device and develop digital citizenship skills before the devices are brought back and forth each day.
Grades K-2: Students will use their iPads only at school. Devices will not be taken home.
Grade 3: Students can take their iPads home starting before winter break. Students must bring their devices back to school each day, charged, to ensure continuous access to learning tools.
Grades 4-5: Students may start bringing their iPads home before the end of October. Students must bring their devices back to school each day, charged, to ensure continuous access to learning tools.
Grades 6-12: Students will bring their iPads home every day. It is essential that they return with their devices to school each day, charged, to ensure continuous access to learning tools.
View a more detailed document outlining the device take home timeline here.